Join the crew: Bothwell and Czocha are calling.

Witchards events literally couldn’t run without crew. Whether they’re logistics, scenography, clean-up or whatever, they provide the backdrop that means the magic can happen.

You’ll know your producers; Laura Sirola and Dave Norris for Czocha College, Pändi Baldwin and Andrew Russell for Bothwell. They lead the events, overall responsibility is theirs. They’re partnered by the Wonderlarp team in Poland, and by Mandala in the UK, and backed up by writers and others who’ll have been working for weeks before the event.

But even these fabulous folk – and the Wonderlarp team at Czocha is 5 people including location management, sfx, costume and makeup, scenography and the story lead for the game – couldn’t deliver the events on their own.

The crew that’s actually needed on the weekend is five times that core, and where the volunteers come in.

Gnomes at Bothwell.

What’s the volunteer crew experience?

They help setting up scenes, clearing up after scenes, playing the roles scenes need, and doing all the myriad of things an event needs. Their enthusiasm powers the events, their smiles get us all through, and when what’s needed is a hand to help fetch and carry, our volunteers deliver.

They start work on the Wednesday before the event, and leave long after the players do on Sunday. It’s free, though they have to get to site themselves, and they’re fed. 

What we all get running events is that buzz from seeing players have a whale of a time living their stories. We’re a team, and we deliver as a team. Volunteer crew get to play a wide variety of roles, live many lives and bring their creativity and imagination to every second they’re bringing these roles to life.

A goblin looking sceptical
photo by Przemyslaw Jendroska #przemophoto A goblin looking sceptical at College of Wizardry 26

Why are we posting this right now?

The calls for help have gone out. We’re looking for volunteers for Bothwell and the 10th anniversary Czocha College.

Bothwell School of Witchcraft 6: High Summer Celebrations runs August 22-25, 2024 @ Abbotsholme School, UK

The Bothwell crew coordinator is Gina Moriarty; long-time player and crew member. The Bothwell producers have compiled a Call for Volunteers document: take a look, and you’ll find a form to apply to be on crew. Sign-up will open until Sunday 16th June. They’ll reply by Friday 21st June and give you a couple days to confirm your spot before filling in any gaps and announcing the final list of volunteers on Sunday 30th June.

College of Wizardry Anniversary: Echoes of the Past runs November 7-10, 2024 @ Czocha Castle, Poland

Jan Rożewski returns as helper coordinator at Czocha. Read the Call for Helpers, which links a form to fill out. That form will be open until 16th June with the intent to invite helpers by 23rd June.